
The Red House is a Building added to in the v0.2.6 "Home invasion" update on March 2, 2018. It is one of the most common buildings in the game, as there are always 3 houses per map. The layout of the house is very basic; just a small home with 2 entrances, a kitchen, bathroom, and various bookshelves and furniture. Houses contain pretty poor loot compared to most other buildings, so it is only worth searching for a house earlier in the game. Houses spawn in one of 2 variants. One is darker than the other on the minimap.

Red House[]


A house as seen from the inside


The layout of the house is fairly basic, with two entrances, both on opposite sides of the house. It has a simple kitchen with an Oven, a Refrigerator and a Table, a bathroom with a Cabinet, a room with one Drawer, and the main living room with a bush, a Cabinet, and a rug in the center.


A house as seen from above


  • 1 cabinet in the bathroom area.
  • A drawer in an empty room.
  • A toilet in the bathroom.
  • 1 cabinet in the area close to a bush
  • 1 Tier World Loot Spawner


House Map

A house as seen from the map

Dark Red House

A Second Red House as seen from the map

  • You can hide under the table in the kitchen if there is someone with better gear than you in the house. You will still take damage if they shoot at the table, and the table will eventually break after taking enough damage. Luckily, people do not usually check the table, so it is a great hiding spot.
    • This is also a good place to heal if shot at.
  • The oven in the kitchen is explosive and right next to the entrance. You can shoot it until it is about to explode and when someone comes in, fire off one last shot to kill them, or at least seriously damage them.
  • The refrigerator in the kitchen cannot be broken nor opened to provide you with supplies. Do not waste your time trying to destroy it.
  • There is also a bush in the corner that you can hide in if you cannot hide under the table. People also don't usually check there. However, it is breakable, and people can still damage you when you hide in it.
  • Early game, try to find mines. When you go inside, place them at the doors, obviously making sure that you can get out. A lot of people don't check for mines early game, which can give you some easy kills. This also works for late game, but not quite as effectively as most people won't be looting anymore.
New Kitchen

The new kitchen from the Community Collage update

Second Red House[]

The Second Red House is the darker variant of the regular red house. It was introduced in the "Community collage" update of November 29, 2018, and was originally designed by UMadBro. It is very similar to a normal house, just with a different interior, and a darker, red roof.


The layout of the house is fairly basic, with two entrances, one near the corner, and the other in the center with a Grill on the porch. It has a kitchen with an oven, a refrigerator, and a round table, a bathroom, a bedroom, and the main living room with a bush, a rug, and a pillar in the center.

Interior of New House

The interior of a Second Red House


  • 1 Cabinet in the bedroom
  • 1 Drawer in the bedroom
  • 1 Toilet in the bathroom
  • 1 Bookshelf in the living room


  • You can hide under the bush or the table to ambush players as they come in.
  • Hiding in the bathroom is not a good option because you can easily be trapped, and someone can easily finish you off with a shotgun.
  • Using the column or refrigerator can serve as an indestructible cover while battling in the house, but look out for grenades as they can potentially damage you from around the column/refrigerator.
  • Punch the Grill near the door until it's low in health, and when you see a player enter/exit, shoot it to kill or heavily wound the enemy player.
  • Early game, try to find mines. When you go inside, place them at the doors, obviously making sure that you can get out. A lot of people don't check for mines early game, which can give you some easy kills. This also works for late game, but not quite as effectively as most people won't be looting anymore.


  • The second red house has the potential to contain slightly better quality loot than the first red house.