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Emote-happy-face This article is about gameplay that is only available for a limited time, and only appears in Events.


The red circles show the red pumptatoes. They weren't supposed to display on the minimap and thus were fixed later.

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Difference between a Pumpkin and a Red Pumptato

The Red Pumptato is a Crate that was added in the v.0.8.7 "Trick or Treat" update. It drops a Trick or Treat? perk which automatically swaps to a random Trick or Treat perk once equipped. They can also very rarely drop an XP Artifact, which gives you XP that works towards your Survivr Pass. However, these do not regenerate, unlike a Potato.


  • The name can imply that it is a cross between a Pumpkin and a Potato.
  • The Red Pumptato has a red light decal underneath it, which makes it look like it's glowing.


  • Oct 28, 2019 (between v0.8.7 and v0.8.71)
  • v0.8.7
    • Added